Bill Cipher Vs Analysis

 Bill Cipher Vs Analysis:

(Edit by Pasbros)

Before We Get Started:

Bill Cipher is a very enigmatic character, and he’s got a storied and infamous history in the realm of versus, so I’m going to try and cover this as well as I possibly can and substantiate all points made to the best of my ability. 

I don’t believe I’ve ever found a single blog collecting everything for Bill Cipher, and Gravity Falls Cosmology individually on their own, so considering the release of the Book of Bill is going to disseminate a lot of new information for the series that hasn’t been covered in most major versus spaces yet, I thought it’d be a fun exercise to collect everything in a single place so there can be an up to date source on GF in Versus, so let's get into this.

Also, if you want to read up on Gravity Falls’ Cosmology, read the sister blog to this one. It’s going to become required reading for Bill’s feats section later, so I’d give it a peek over.

Media Used:

No, I didn't bother reading the other Disney baby slop books. I'm sorry, I don’t need bedtime stories. Not to mention, most of them had no direct involvement by Alex Hirsch and were corporate products pushed out by Disney to capitalize on the show.

Gravity Falls Canon:

So that media list mentioned prior is probably going to have some people unfamiliar with Gravity Falls and it’s lore raising eyebrows already, so I’ll try and make this brief and succinct. 

Gravity Falls the show, Journal 3, and Book of Bill are indisputably canon to the main canon of the show. Oregon Parks is intended to be an in-universe (?, or in OUR universe?) tease for the Book of Bill, same case with the Barnes & Noble email interviews, meant to be directly from Bill Cipher himself. 

Gravity Falls canon is defined by Alex Hirsh as “what happened in the show”. So something being “non-canon” doesn’t necessarily mean it's completely unusable. It just means it didn’t occur in the main timeline/universe we saw within the show. This extends to the Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) book, which is stated to be non-canon to the show’s main timeline, but containing an “ENORMOUS canon secret”. The book instead takes place in various alternate universes within the show’s multiverse. Effectively, non-canon books can have important canon information for the show’s multiverse, but not directly affect the main universe of the show.

The Reddit AMA is a very contentious topic in the versus community, as it's intended to be Bill Cipher possessing the creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch to answer some questions. This is further supported as not a one off thing with the Book of Bill, a canon book, having Alex Hirsch be possessed by Bill yet again, and many of the things mentioned in that AMA being directly referenced within the book, making it pretty clearly canon, or at least usable canon.

Something to keep in mind with Gravity Falls and its approach to lore / storytelling is that it’s very atypical to most franchises in its approach, and its creator cares a lot about it and its internal consistency. GF is very much a series where mystery and searching and piecing together info from disparate sources is a big part of the appeal. Canon information and truths about the world and story are mixed across multiple mediums and methods of presentation. It’s not as simple and open and shut of a case as most, as most franchises don’t have you cracking cryptograms in browser games to find out crucial information ahead of time.

So ultimately, yes, just about every source I listed is a valid source of information on the Gravity Falls “canon” and its greater multiverse, and thus, usable in a Bill analysis.

Shout Outs:

I wanna give a shout out to G1^2’s Bill vs Discord blog, they have what I consider to be the most comprehensive coverages on Gravity Falls and Bill on a versus front available, as well as one of the best coverages on dimensional tiering, I’m going to be doing my absolute best to deliver a wholly original blog and will copy nothing from this blog directly, however, I will be using some calcs from the blog as they’re generally accepted calculations and I didn’t want to bother Rina too much on re-calcing them for me just to be original, so definitely check that blog out, I think it's pretty good. 

I’d also like to thank Rina Antiqua for being very helpful in the background for acting as a second pair of eyes for a lot of things I said and arguments I made, as well as making a few calcs for statistics for me!

Thanks to Pasbros for the edits spread throughout the blog, and Twice for the edits specifically in the scaling section! Their edits are always fantastic, and help greatly in giving the blog some nice visual flair! 



Bill’s beginnings are oddly humble, born to two parents, possibly named Scalene and Euclid, being denizens of the second dimension, Euclydia. From the beginning, he was supposedly loved by everyone, his birth even being made a national holiday!... or at least that’s what Bill tries to say, perhaps he’s hiding the fact that he was actually hated and ostracized for his abilities… and that to the best of his parents’ abilities and love towards them, his “strange eye” wouldn’t let him be accepted. That lack of acceptance being because he was born with a mutation, one that allowed him to see the third dimension! He could see an infinitely greater realm beyond that which made his world look boring, bland, flat and meaningless. There were strict laws against even discussing a “third dimension” however, it was completely illegal! Bill couldn’t fathom this… or perhaps he just wanted to show them what he could see that they couldn’t, so they’d stop belittling him… regardless of his reasoning, he decided that he had to show this “up” to his family and the rest of his dimension, he’d free them from their delusions and denial of a greater, higher plane! He would put on a show, and show everyone the third dimension, show them the fantastical world they were all missing out on, that HE could see!...

…This would cause the Euclidean Massacre, the brutal, bloody deaths of Bill’s entire family, as well as every other being within the second dimension, ultimately razing the dimension into nothing but a single speck… leaving Bill, the sole survivor, covered in blood. This event broke Bill, the memory of the event so traumatic he can’t even properly recount it, blacking out and sounds ringing in his ears until he stops, the dying screams and ghosts of his family haunting him for the rest of his immortal life

Sometime after this event, Bill would find himself in the Nightmare Realm, and would ultimately make a decision, a decision about how he would view life, how he would view the cruel, indifferent multiverse he existed within… that it didn’t matter! That’s right, cruel cosmic nihilism, nothing mattered at all! Reality was nothing but an illusion, a game! A nonsensical world in which everything is madness and nothing is real! And he would show that to everyone… he would help EVERYONE escape this maddening reality, he would liberate everyone from reality, smash the multiverse and rebuild something new and great from it's bones, a world with no stuffy laws, a world with no restrictions, where meaning has no meaning and the party never stops! Bill was going to herald a new reality… but first he’d have to get out of the Nightmare Realm!

And thus would begin his trillion years of malevolent ruling over the Nightmare Realm, acting as it's defacto god king, ruling over the dimension between all dimensions with an iron fist! He’d conquer realities, gain loyal Henchmaniacs by forcing them into Gladiatorial contests, party as hard as he could, evade and troll the Intergalactic Authorities for billions of years, and generally wreak as much havoc and chaos as he could. However, at some point during his chaotic reign… he realized something, that being entropy. The Nightmare Realm, in all the unstable, chaotic glory he loved it for, was falling apart at the seams and working towards its own destruction. If he couldn’t find a stable dimension to root himself in, eventually, one day, he’d be caught by this edge of reality, and erased as if he had never existed. So Bill begins the search for a new dimension to call his own… before eventually finding Dimension 46’\, and with it, Earth. Nothing was special about Earth itself to Bill… but what WAS special was where it resided, a weak spot between dimensions, somewhere that would be especially easy to break into… he just needed to wait, wait until the minds on the planet would evolve enough to where he could manipulate someone to just let him in…

Thus would begin hundreds of years of trolling, with Bill manipulating as many of humanity's greatest… or most gullible minds of the time across the entire planet. The ancient tribes of natives in Gravity Falls, the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the denizens of Easter Island, Europe during the Dark Ages, Russia, the Vikings, the citizens of the lost city of Atlantis, and America from the 1600s until the present! Although ultimately, through one means or another, either from the technology not being there, or a last minute betrayal from the one he was manipulating, all his plans fell through one after the other, a trail of chaos in his wake. Just as Bill began to consider Earth a wash.. He found HIM. The perfect puppet with an IQ through the roof, minimal friends to get in the way, self esteem issues, and perfectly isolated… that man being Stanford Pines.

Bill would spend several years with Ford, introducing himself as a spiritual muse who appears to a single brilliant mind to inspire per century, and doing his best to manipulate him as needed. In a way, Bill would even find himself… attached to Ford, though not in a way he’d ever understand. With Ford’s immense intellect, and the help of his supergenius friend Fiddleford McGucket, he was able to convince and help Ford and McGucket build an Interdimensional Portal that would allow Bill and his Henchmaniacs entrance into the universe… from where he could finally enact his plan of Weirdmageddon! However, Ford’s first attempt running the Portal would go horrifically wrong, driving McGucket insane, and leading him to find out Bill’s plan early, shutting down the Portal, and beginning a several day long streak of mentally torturing Ford to break him down further, and get him to finally open the Portal. However, once again, things would go horrifically wrong, in a freak accident involving a fight with his twin brother Stanley, Stanford would be sucked into the portal, lost in the multiverse, and Bill would be left waiting yet again, another plan foiled… but all the pieces were in place! All he needed was to get someone to show up and finally activate that portal… and 30 years later he’d get that opportunity!

That’s when the events that everyone knows happens, the story of the cartoon of Gravity Falls! The arrival of Dipper and Mabel, the Pines twins, into Gravity Falls lead to a knockdown effect of events that eventually lead to the Portal being turned on again, allowing Ford back into the universe… and presenting Bill his opportunity. While he couldn’t enter through the Portal as it was destroyed in its second usage, the portal created dimensional rifts that he could use to rip his way into their dimension! And after playing the Pines family against one another mentally, he was able to break into their reality, achieving his full power finally, and enact Weirdmageddon, completely dominating Gravity Falls near immediately! 

However, Bill’s reign wouldn’t last long. Trapped within Gravity Falls due to the Law of Weirdness Magnetism, he needed Ford’s help to break out, as he was the only person who knew how to break the barrier keeping him in. Bill’s arrogance and underestimation of the lowly humans around him, he allowed himself to be tricked, entering the mind of Stanley instead of Ford, and having his spiritual form erased alongside all of Stan’s memories. However, even that wasn’t enough to put Bill down for good. He was left broken, shattered and depowered, having lost his physical form and been broken across space-time… but he was able to reconstitute himself and finally appear before his equal and opposite, the Axolotl. He falsely begs the Axolotl to let him be resurrected, so he can continue his reign, and the Axolotl agrees to bring him back… but under a condition, he would have to face the Axolotl’s greatest trial, his program!

Bill eagerly accepts the Axolotl’s deal, foolishly thinking it would be easy, being put into the Axolotl’s Program, ultimately finding himself in something he could never be prepared for… Therapy. Thousands of sessions pass, his Henchmaniacs haven’t come to try and break him out, or even so much as write! Nothing Bill tries to do in terms of escape works, he thinks he’s better than everyone within the Theraprism, making him no friends, and he rejects any messages the facility tries to impart upon him, not only making him completely alone… but also becoming desperate. He creates the Book of Bill during a therapeutic arts and crafts session, and sends the book out into the multiverse, hoping that someone will read it, and agree to a deal to let him possess them and escape the Theraprism. The Book ultimately finds the Pines, as well as the reader. Both parties read through the book, the Pines finding it hilarious, laughing off whatever Bill’s selling and leaving messages within it for others who read… the other being you, the reader of the Book. Ultimately, the Pines once again reject Bill, despite everything he tried through the book. The reader in the end, deciding not to give Bill what he needs most, ATTENTION. Not letting him hold any power as an idea, instead leaving him to fade into obscurity, left to his cosmic punishment, his infinite karmic rehabilitation in therapy. Where, rather than eventually growing to become a better person and reincarnate, he’ll instead sit simmering in hate for infinity, refusing to believe or accept what the Theraprism is trying to do to help him, holding out in the vain hope, the vain belief that someday, someone out there will accept his deal, and let him out…


Bill Cipher has had a frankly, ludicrous amount of time to build up experience, in that he’s been alive for well over a trillion fucking years. An average human lifespan (in the US) is about 82 years, he’s lived over 12 billion of those full lifetimes at bare minimum!  I can’t really understate how long that is, like a really really long fucking time dawg. 

Not to mention, throughout that time, he’s conquered much of the Nightmare Realm, making it into his personal party pad, has spent billions of years evading the Intergalactic Authority, and ultimately became the most feared entity across the entire multiverse, even capable of conquering entire realities while dissociating!

He’s no stranger to fights either, having battled with other cosmic entities such as Time Baby on multiple occasions, having defeated Time Baby and his army alongside his Henchmaniacs before he ever even gained a physical form and his full power! Once he gained his full power, he was able to effortlessly one shot Time Baby and his entire army

Bill’s approach when it comes to other cosmic entities is a lot more up front and ruthless, if he can’t lure them into a trap of some kind first, he’s just going to try and straight up kill them to take them out of the equation first, such as when he tricked Time Baby into entering the Nightmare Realm to have a home court advantage to jump him, or when he immediately went for the kill against Time Baby in their second encounter. He also has absolutely no issue throwing hands, in fact, a lot of times his first idea is to either try to immediately overpower his opponent or just annihilate them with an energy blast. Bill has a tendency to underestimate beings lesser than him like humans (see: the entirety of Gravity Falls Season 1 & 2), but against other cosmic entities, Bill pulls almost no punches.


Bill wasn’t just doing a lot of trolling and conquering during his trillion years of life, he spent a lot of time showcasing his absurd intellect by outsmarting and making a fool of humanity’s greatest minds for hundreds of years, and tricking great minds even before humanity, as far back as time began! He’s also spent some of that time planting predictive programming of false flag attacks in media for the shits and giggles. He’s well aware of the majority of events throughout history, said to know infinite secrets, as well as the secrets of the universe, he was even able to comprehend the true nature of the multiverse and what exists beyond it.

Bill is regularly shown to be not just as smart as, if not even smarter than Stanford Pines and Fiddleford McGucket, two absolute super geniuses who were thousands of years ahead of their time, able to understand 5th Dimensional Calculus, Hyper-Advanced Engineering, and Applied Quantum Phase Theory! They were even able to understand and utilize a Temporal Displacement Hyperdrive, a machine so advanced that humanity wouldn’t create one for at least another 10,000 years! All the way along, Bill was guiding Ford, giving him advice and showing him how to more effectively change his calculations, even in degrees of mathematical infinities, and understanding to better build his tech! 

To put it frankly, Bill’s intelligence is absolutely absurd, he’s spent trillions of years tricking and outsmarting the greatest minds to ever exist, and has scientific and mathematical knowledge to absurd it’s able to involve tech that interacts with higher dimensional spaces! Also he’s so smart he thinks in all caps!

Notable Techniques, Equipment & Familiars:


If you ever cut a deal with the devil, you’ll probably find yourself with a pretty raw deal. One of Bill’s most iconic traits is offering deals with unsuspecting victims, appearing before someone, promising them something they want, or that he thinks they want, in exchange for something he wants. Once you shake his fiery hand, the deal is set in stone, and its terms realized. Bill’s deals are binding agreements that he always fulfills his end of the bargain of… but there’s usually some horrible loophole or result you haven’t thought of. Pay attention to his wording! Bill, however, will only make or offer a deal if there’s something HE has to gain from it, whether it be information or something else.

A few of Bill’s abilities are also locked behind making a deal with the person in question. Being able to freely enter someone’s mind or possess them, he can only do through deals for instance. According to Bill, you can even make deals or pledge to him without him even being there, such as drawing him onto your hand and shaking your own hand.

The Rift & Weirdmageddon:

The Rift is an interdimensional tear in reality that lets Bill free himself from the Nightmare Realm and enter into physical reality and achieve his full power. When Bill is at full power, the Rift is very likely present with him. Opening the Rift begins Weirdmageddon, an apocalyptic event that spells the end of everything as Bill’s dominion expands, and his power constantly grows.

It should also be noted that Weirdmageddon’s range isn’t limited to a single universe. Even while Bill was stuck within Gravity Falls via the Barrier, his power was still resulting in Weirdmageddon affecting a multitude of other dimensions, and the effects remained even well after Weirdmageddon ended, rifts and tears in the dimensions still existing.

In the event of Bill’s death, seeing as the Rift is powered and sustained by him and his power, the Rift will begin to close and end Weirdmageddon with it, with all adverse effects caused by Weirdmageddon and any aspects of it being undone, or sucked back into the Nightmare Realm.

The Book of Bill:

Hey, it's the book he just made! Canonically, this book exists in-universe, and has a bunch of neat abilities we’ll talk about more specifically in his abilities section. Of note though, is that Bill created this book and sent it out into the multiverse in order to try and trick someone into making a deal with him so he could possess that person and then reconstitute his body in reality again, allowing him to escape the Axolotl’s program and wreak havoc yet again! The book is designed to adapt to each person it comes into contact with, rewriting itself based on the mind of the reader to try to make the reader see what they’d like to see most, to make it as enticing as possible for the reader to make a deal with him.


The Henchmaniacs are Bill’s loyal servants and party friends that he has a sort of comradery with, and they’re able to be brought into a fight by proxy of Weirdmageddon.

Abilities & Powers:

Get ready for one of the longest ability sections I’ve ever done, because good fucking lord is Bill cracked out.

Telepathy / Mind Manipulation / Mind Invasion:

Bill has a wide variety of mental abilities, so lets start small. He’s able to telepathically read the thoughts of others, such as being able to know and create what Mabel was thinking of within that moment, and in his first meeting with Ford was able to bring up a memory from when Ford was in third grade. He can also telepathically send messages across dimensions, such as when he sent one from the Nightmare Realm to Time Baby to trick him. The Book of Bill is also capable of “reading” the user, to learn about them to decide what best to offer/display them.

He’s also able to directly enter the minds of other people in order to fish around for specific information, make alterations to their mind, body or senses, or for whatever general purposes he needs. However, when it comes to more sentient, intelligent life like humans, while he can invade their dreams while they sleep due to dulled mental senses, he can’t easily invade their minds, only able to do it through a deal, such as when he made a deal with Ford to be able to freely enter and leave his mind and control his body as he pleased, or when he made a deal with Stan (disguised as Ford) to enter his mind to learn a secret equation he needed from Ford. He knows Dipper’s search history (unfortunately), and is able to sense when his “link” with someone is weakening. If he’s possessed a person in the past, he’s able to see through their eyes, every single person, and he can’t turn it off.

He’s also capable of just flat out shutting down the minds of others, like when he did it to McGucket, Gideon, Wendy, Soos, Robbie and Pacifica.

Mind Control / Hypnosis:

Bill implies that he knows how to control people’s minds, and that with a lengthy hypnotization process, that you can hypnotize people with the Book of Bill. He can even directly use hypnosis himself to try and get people to willingly pledge their souls to him.

Dream Invasion, Dream Manipulation & Nightmare Inducement:

Bill is able to enter a person’s dreams and access their Mindscape in order to observe their dreams and memories in order to learn more about them, as well as speak to them within their dreams. He notably entered the dreams of every person involved with the ritual in order to learn more about their fears and trauma, as well as what their Mindscapes are like

He’s also capable of manipulating the person’s dreams in order to turn it into a nightmare, to either frighten them, or show them visions. He’s capable of projecting dreams into someone’s mind like they’re visions. He consistently gives Time Baby night terrors, gave the founding fathers nightmares until they put him on the dollar bill, and he’s even capable of cursing entire time periods with nightmares for stretches of up to 100 years!

Soul Manipulation / Non Physical Interaction:

One of Bill’s most acclaimed abilities would be his manipulation of souls. As for his soul fuckery that isn’t related to making deals, Bill is able to not only damage souls, such as when he blew a hole in the chest of Dipper’s Mindscape-self, but completely obliterate them, such as what he would’ve done to Soos and Mabel if uninterrupted, and how he annihilated Mabel’s dream boyfriends Xyler and Craz completely out of existence, not a trace left of their souls (the nature of the Mindscape implies this may be more impressive than just spiritual erasure as well). He’s also able to consume souls, having absorbed thousands of souls of varying species’ across his long tenure, and states that he can “eat ghosts”. He also completely warped Mabel’s entire body to remove all of her cuteness, even affecting her way of speech within the Mindscape, despite her being a spiritual/mental/idea in this state, showing his ability to manipulate and use his abilities on non-physical entities. He was also able to absorb Mabel’s soul within himself for a brief time, before spitting her back out unharmed. Bill also claims to be a “soul billionaire”, implying he has a metric shitload of souls under his capture. One can even willingly transfer souls in as simple a process as signing it away.

Through the usage of a deal, Bill was able to rip Dipper’s soul out of his body and leave him stuck as a floating soul. After cutting a deal with Stanford to be able to possess his body while he sleeps to assist him, he was able to possess him at any point that sleep would take him.

Resurrection & Immortality Negation:

If Bill steals your soul / you give your soul up to Bill, you are unable to go to any kind of afterlife, and are functionally removed from the reincarnation cycle, unable to reincarnate, your body doomed to die for good.


Bill has possessed a wizard’s pet phoenix, a goat, rats, and can even freely possess a multitude of corpses at once! He’s also able to possess people, but with more restrictions in place. Once he makes a deal with a person, he’s able to freely rip their soul out of their body and take control of their body, this possession marked by the person’s eyes slightly transforming. He was even able to possess Alex Hirsch multiple times, the creator of Gravity Falls! It’s also heavily implied that a body without a soul could be easily possessed by him without the requirement of a deal as well.

Depending on the contexts of his deal, he can continually take possession of his victim’s body afterwards, such as with Ford, who he was able to take control of whenever he fell asleep, allowing him to freely galavant not only around Ford’s mind, but also his body to do whatever he wished.

However, it should be noted that Bill’s possession does have some noticeable restrictions. For one, Bill doesn’t seem to be able to possess anything of higher mental functions without a deal. Animals and literal dead corpses (he’s able to possess a multitude at once!) are fair game due to minimal or no brain functions, but with a living human, Bill seemingly is unable to possess without agreeing to a deal with them. He also states that he can only possess things that have neurons, meaning if the target doesn’t have a neuron, or a typical brain, he’d likely be unable to possess them. Also, if a target has sentience, but is literally too fucking stupid, he’ll be unable to possess them, such as the gnomes of Gravity Falls.

Enhanced Perception , Extrasensory Perception & Cosmic Awareness:

Bill has rather enhanced levels of perception, he’s able to see beyond the optical spectrum and use echolocation, can see a multitude of colors that normal humans cannot perceive, and see ultraviolet patterns. Not to mention, he’s capable of seeing Mindscape spirits which are invisible to regular humans.

Bill has obscene levels of cosmic awareness. He’s stated to be always watching, and the Book of Bill confirms he was watching all of humanity for billions of years, Ford Pines being just one of many minds he focused on, and is made clear to have definitely been watching the Pines across most stages of their stay in Gravity Falls, such as when he was aware of various events that Dipper has gone through across several days, including his time travel adventure, he had extensive knowledge of Ford Pine’s past all the way down to specific grades he received in Elementary School. He’s also able to see through anything made in his image, as well as through the eyes of everyone he’s possessed, giving him more and more vantage points to see and learn from. Sometimes he regrets this.

Bill was born with a rare mutation, allowing him to see from the second dimension into the infinitely higher, third dimension even from a young age! Most obscene though, is his ability to flat out scan an infinite amount of alternate timelines into the distant future, allowing him to see quite literally infinite variations and possibilities across all realities, as well as infinite alternate versions of himself and what they’ve done. He also implies that he can see the audience.

Alex Hirsch himself also states that Bill’s mind is “occupied in multiple dimensions at once”, his mind is always doing multiple things at once.

Clairvoyance / Precognition:

Bill can use his “””Ciphervoiyance””” to see “a kaleidoscopic quantum phantasmagoria of infinite possible futures across a spectrum of probability!”, allowing him to see which futures are most likely across an infinite amount of possibilities, said possibilities even varying in differences between particles bouncing against each other. He was able to accurately predict how Dipper would react upon waking up in 3 seconds, predicted that Ford would die of a heart attack at 92, and apparently knew the exact date and time of Soos’ death. Ford in general considered Bill’s predictions about the future to be “uncanny” in how accurate they were.

Alex Hirsch also confirms in an interview that Bill is capable of seeing “a little bit of the future, a little bit of the past”.


Bill is able to create a physical form from absolutely nothing, and is capable of easily regenerating it as well, apparently even if its atoms were scattered across all of reality, but notably, also can regenerate his spirit, both in small increments of damage, and also near complete destruction. However, if Bill’s soul is completely erased/shattered, he’ll have a rather difficult time coming back… but it's not impossible. After Bill’s spirit was seemingly shattered and erased within Stan’s mind, not only was it heavily implied that he survived within the Complete Series, but outright confirmed by the Book of Bill, with Bill having reconstituted his spirit in a broken state, even after being shattered and erased alongside Stan’s mind.

Immortality & Abstract Existence:

Bill is extremely long lived, having been alive for well over a trillion years, with no indication of implication of any major form of aging, and has said himself that he’s a “host that never dies”. He’s also banned from Hell for being too annoying.

Bill has a lot of evidence backing up his nature as a living idea. Bill alludes to it in the B&N interview, before directly referring to himself as one, calling himself “an idea that can’t be killed”, a “bad idea and a good time”, with Stanford corroborating the idea, stating that attention is his life-blood, and that while an idea cant be killed, new ideas can be made and focused on, giving Bill less power. Similarly, he also compares himself to a “legend”, which is a “story”, and “stories never die”. Bill even directly confirms that a person’s Mindscape form is the conceptual idea of their identity and existence. The narrative of the book also ultimately has the reader not agree to take Bill’s deal, giving him no power, and choosing to focus on other ideas instead.


Should Bill be completely erased spiritually, left completely shattered, broken, depowered and without a physical form, he can invoke the Axolotl’s Incantation to ensure he’s resurrected or reincarnated… However this can be less of an advantage and more of a workaround, as it’s ultimately up to the Axolotol’s whims if he allows Bill to be brought back. Canonically, the Axolotl did grant Bill the ability to be reincarnated, but only if he overcame his program… that being infinite karmic therapy until he improves, making it questionable if he could use this to properly escape.

Bill is also capable of resurrecting others should they eat a card gifted by him… as well as some other specific requirements and sacrifices.

Perception Manipulation:

Bill was able to affect Ford’s perception in a multitude of ways, able to speed up his mind when he felt sluggish, calmed it down when he was anxious, and was even able to rewire Ford’s optic nerves to allow him to see an eight color of the rainbow thats imperceivable to normal human eyes, as well as two dimensional light rays which require extra dimensional sensory abilities to see, which Ford dubbed Fordtramarine. Bill is also capable of removing someone’s hesitance neurons, as well as amp their impulsivity center, but is also capable of affecting perception negatively, rewiring their optic nerve so they see the world upside down. He can also mix “dream drinks” which can make you completely hammered in your dreams and seemingly even carry over into physical reality.

Quantum Manipulation:

Bill states that he exists in a state of quantum uncertainty, everything he is, he also is not, akin to Schrodinger's Cat.

Energy Manipulation:

Bill can fire laser beams from his eye, as well as from his fingers, those of which are capable of completely atomizing an opponent! He can create energy constructs of his arms to grab and restrain others, literal chains out of energy, or create energy prisons to contain others..

Sleep Inducement:

Bill was able to force Mabel to sleep with just a snap of his fingers, and he was able to do this while possessing somebody else’s body.

Sound Manipulation:

Bill can create a sound within one’s head that gets louder and louder until the point that the person bashes their skull open to release themselves of it. Bill laughed so loudly that, from within the Nightmare Realm, his laugh traveled to Earth and its signal was picked up on every radar dish across the planet and even the Soviet Space Station. He is also capable of playing music within the Mindscape, such as when he played “Disco Girl” to karaoke with Ford, and within his own body where he stores the souls he’s consumed, he constantly plays “Good Vibrations” by Marky Mark. He can also manipulate the way his voice sounds. Even his own corpse can somehow completely stop all sound in the surrounding area.


Bill is able to effortlessly phase through matter, and has done so to not only himself, but even a piano he was playing.

Disease Manipulation:

Was sending “fun, flirty” plagues upon the Egyptians, which has some pretty hilarious implications. 

Poison Manipulation:

Bill’s blood induced nausea in two government agents just by proximity to it.

Elemental Manipulation:

Bill has a handful of abilities related to controlling the elements:

Time Manipulation / Time Travel / Age Manipulation:

Bill has a wide range of time related abilities he’s used across his various states. Before he even gained a physical form to gain full power, Bill was capable of exiting and re-entering the timeline at will, created time paradoxes in his fight against Time Baby, and traveling across time, such as when he traveled to the future (presumably through the Mindscape) to trick and make a deal with Blendin Blandon, a time traveler who was in the future. Upon gaining a full physical form, he was able to cause the Nightmare Realm to leak into the universe, capable of “killing” time.

After killing Time Baby though, not only giving him “control over time itself”, but functionally giving him all of Time Baby’s powers. Most of Time Baby’s showcased abilities are similar to ones Bill has showcased, such as being able to use “time bombs” to pause you forever in time, or time traveling to thwart someone’s plans before they ever make them, but Time Baby and his army are also able to age a person backwards. Time Baby himself was also capable of “devouring” time as well. He also implied that he’d be able to “stop time forever”.

Transmutation / Petrification:

Bill turned Ford into a stone statue, as well as a gold statue, an ability the Eyeball Bats he can summon/create are capable of replicating as well, which allowed them to transmute most of the population of Gravity Falls. He was also able to transmute all the individuals important to the Prophecy into banners.

He can also transform objects as he pleases, such as when he fired a beam at a regular car and turned it into an advanced flying car, or transformed houses, street lights and various other objects into Weirdness Monsters.


In the Gravity Falls: Take Back the Falls browser game, Bill is able to freely teleport around as if he were a Kirby boss. This is likely something he could easily replicate canonically.

Portal Creation:

Bill can create portals to pass through physical matter and presumably to teleport to other locations.


Bill is literally constantly levitating, and his main method of movement is flight. He’s also shown to be able to fly cosmic distances by his projection.

Blood Manipulation:

Bill was able to fill a Mountain Dew machine with blood, and the Book of Bill is capable of absorbing blood, which Bill uses to cause delirium so he can more easily alter someone’s mind and sense.

Darkness Manipulation:

Bill's own corpse is able to passively warp nearby shadows into triangle shapes.

Reality Warping:

Bill is very well renowned for being a reality warping god. To be frank, this was the hardest ability section to write, because a majority of Bill’s abilities can be classified as “reality warping” in some way honestly, it's what he’s most known for. The most notable cases I’d say though are when he turned someone’s head into a CGI watermelon, warped someone so badly they started to “glitch into the ceiling”, or planning to turn the sky plaid. Weirdness Bubbles he creates are capable of warping reality within them to change the nature of both reality, the medium they exist in, and any entity that enters so long as it's inside of it.

Explosion Manipulation:

Bill discovered a chemical element that he dubbed “NoPiggium” that causes dimensional authorities to explode (very based), and used it to create a clubhouse.

Light Manipulation:

Bill can project a massive spotlight from his eye, or even project a spotlight from the moon.


I’m not fucking describing this.

Power Amplification:

When Weirdmageddon occurs and the Nightmare Realm begins spilling into physical reality, Bill’s powers are greatly amplified every moment it continues, with him becoming stronger by the minute.

Power Bestowal:

Bill can grant his powers to others, most blatantly when he empowered the Henchmaniacs to fight the Shacktron. He also offered to grant Stanford enough power to become “all powerful” and part of his Henchmaniacs, visibly increasing his size, as well as offering Stanley infinite power. When sealing someone within a pocket dimension, he can also give that person complete dominion and control over the reality within, such as what he did with Mabel in Mabelland

Madness Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement:

Ford is clearly driven to some degree of madness by Bill’s influence, with even Ford admitting that Bill is causing his sanity to rapidly dwindle. Bill’s true name would cause complete madness, the person dying with a look of horror and ecstasy on their face, before evaporating to dust. The Weirdness Bubbles Bill can create can drive anyone who gets caught inside mad instantly. The mere sight of Bill removing his exoskeleton to feed completely drove McGucket to madness and completely destroyed his psyche, leaving him temporarily paralyzed in total fear and madness.

Memory Manipulation:

Bill has incredibly potent effects on the memories of others, especially once he can get into their minds with a deal. He was able to remove the word “burden” from Ford’s mind, replacing it with “sea otter”, claims to enjoy “eating childhood memories”, and is able to remove memories as important and core to a person and their function as their name, with Ford unable to remember his name so long as Bill had the memory removed.

Bill was also apparently able to affect the reader’s memory, removing the reader’s knowledge of the “Bermuda Triangle chapter” of the book, and their “best memories”, promising that they’ll completely forget about their encounter.

Pain Manipulation:

Bill is able to cause immense pain within the victims of those whose mind he’s invaded. His possession/mind invasion can render someone’s eye constantly sore and leave it bleeding, but most horrifically, he can cause every neuron within their body to burn with pain beyond imagination, cause a person’s sockets to strain, their tendons to get close to popping, and pull their bones slowly out of their sockets, bringing their bones near to the point of splintering, causing them agonizing pain that brings them near to the point of vomiting.


Bill has shown himself able to duplicate himself on a multitude of occasions, with the duplicates able to engage in active conversation back and forth with himself and simultaneously perform their own actions at the same time.

Size Manipulation:

Bill is able to change his size in various ways, he grew himself to several times the size of a human in the Mindscape, but also showcased himself to go even further within a projection, able to grow to sizes comparable to that of Earth. In that same projection, he was able to grow Ford to a size greater than that of an entire galaxy!


Bill was able to pull out all the teeth in a deer’s mouth with a simple gesture, telekinetically lift one of Stan’s memories within the Mindscape, telekinetically fling open a multitude of doors as he flew past them, lifted a massive stone arena shaped like Stan’s head, has lifted people with telekinesis multiple times, can restrain a person with it, and even force choke them.

Interdimensional Communication:

Bill was able to communicate with Gideon from within the Mindscape as if talking to someone on a video call. He’s also able to be communicated via many different mediums through very specific means, such as the “Fun Phone”, a device that can summon interdimensional entities, a spirit board, burning a letter, a regular pay phone, and a summoning circle can all reach Bill in one way or another. Also placing a plate of spaghetti down with freshly grated parmesan cheese can summon Bill.

Technology Manipulation:

Bill is able to interfere with and have effects on technology, to the point that something as simple as him laughing maniacally from within the Nightmare Realm caused all of the stop lights on Earth to turn yellow


Bill was able to survive in the Nightmare Realm for over a trillion years, with the Nightmare Realm having no consistent physics, causality, and even existing outside of time.

Transformation / Shapeshifting:

Bill is able to shapeshift his body in many ways, he was able to perfectly replicate Soos in voice and appearance within the Mindscape, can grow extra limbs, and is able to warp the way his body looks into varying large pyramids with multiple arms and mouths and eyes. In general, Bill is capable of manipulating and changing his body in any damn way he really pleases.

Law & Causality Manipulation:

Bill said he planned to rewrite the laws of physics and the laws of causality after he broke into physical reality, and reiterates this, saying he planned to remove all restrictions and laws.

Probability Manipulation:

Weirdness, within the Gravity Falls universe, is a law of the universe that quite literally warps probability, as well as attracting anomalies. Considering Bill uses Weirdness as a power source and his energy, he should be able to manipulate probability by proxy.

Spatial Manipulation:

Bill states that he’s able to fully manipulate and control space, and noticeably warps and manipulates space, such as when he accidentally created the Bottomless Pit, a spatially infinite construct.

Gravity Manipulation:

Can warp and twist gravity within the area, nearly making Dipper fall before readjusting it.

Matter Manipulation:

Bill has total control over matter, showcasing when he disassembles and reassembles the matter of several objects in a room, including Stanford. Not to mention, he was able to atomize Time Baby with a single energy beam, and even threatened to disassemble Dipper and Mabel’s molecules.


Bill is able to summon Daryll with a special horn

Power Nullification:

Bill was able to completely nullify the abilities of Soos, Mabel and Dipper in the Mindscape, completely erase any effects they had conjured using their minds, including portal meant to take him out of the Mindscape, and revert the area back to a clear white void in an instant, seemingly having the ability to cancel out the abilities of others within the Mindscape.


Bill can rather easily just create things out of nowhere, such as manifesting a cane for his look, creating a screaming head from nothing, creating the perfect boyfriends Mabel was thinking of, was able to bring one of Soos’ nightmares to life (that being a british dogman, evil martinis at the snap of a finger, a head that’s always screaming, glue that he used to glue two people together, and The Book of Bill can also release live bees for some reason.

Pocket Dimension Creation:

Bill created Mabelland, a pocket dimension that actively adjusted itself to be what Mabel wanted most, and that actively would try and manipulate itself and its denizens in ways to keep whoever the realm is designed for, inside.

BFR & Sealing:

Bill sealed a soul inside of The Book of Bill. Why? Probably for shits and giggles. The souls he’s consumed are also “trapped” within him, likely a form of sealing. He also sealed a soul he made a deal with within a phone injury hotline, with the soul saying that “I’ve been trapped in this phone screen so long”, “there’s no button I can press to escape the purgatory I’m trapped in” and “...I will be paying off my cosmic debt until the heat death of the universe”, implying he can trap souls eternally, only able to escape through outside means, such as the person taking the call making the choice to kill him. He’s also sealed a soul within a quill pen to force it to write his legal documents until the sun snuffs out, and is even able to trap souls within inanimate objects, other creatures, mason jars, as well as concepts and even sentences! He also apparently has a “soul containment unit” contained within the astral plane that he can send and seal souls within.

He’s also capable of sealing individuals within pocket dimensions designed to replicate what the person sealed within most wants, such as when he sealed Mabel within Mabelland, though it should be noted that individuals with strong mental convictions can see past the illusions and break the mental desire to stay, but there’s still the issue of being locked within, which can only be prevented with a physical lock and key.

Forcefield Creation:

Bill created a forcefield that blocked Dipper’s attempt to attack him and seemingly released a small burst of energy which launched Dipper away.

Invisibility & Incorporeality:

Spirits within Gravity Falls are completely invisible by normal means, unless the party has some sort of supernatural sight, or are connected to the Mindscape in some way, meaning that Bill’s spiritual form would be completely invisible. Not to mention, Bill is a being made of pure energy, and is a purely non-corporeal entity in his spiritual form, free from the physical and biological constraints of the world.


It's implied that Bill has immersed himself into a comic world in the past due to left behind graffiti, and heavily implied that he’s entered into the Mirror World, an anti-reality you can only access inside of mirrors.

Magnetism Manipulation:

Bill is described to be akin to an “anti-North”, even his very own corpse capable of inverting and manipulating magnetic polarities to where compases instinctively point away from him.


Bill’s battle with the Time Baby produced an immense amount of radiation, enough to breach into the universe from outside of time in the Nightmare Realm, in quantities still picked up by SETI millions of years later. Even his very corpse left radiation in the immediate vicinity.

Biological Manipulation:

The infamous “how about I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face?” move does exactly that, shuffling a person’s ear, nose, mouth and eyes into different positions on their face. Bill has showcased some truly fucked up and evil abilities in terms of manipulating the biology of others, in fact, he seems to regularly mix up people’s facial functions, to the point he has a collection of “horrible heads” he’s manipulated, he stripped the skin, flesh and bone from a screaming head, and made black ooze leak from a person’s eyes. He also completely warped Mabel’s entire body to remove all of her cuteness, even affecting her way of speech within the Mindscape.

Data Manipulation:

Even well after his death, his presence was still affecting and interfering with cell phones and their reception. In order to affect a phone’s reception, he would have to be interfering with the data transmissions for the phone to receive or transmit data.

Death Manipulation:

Bill can cause things to spontaneously just die, such as being able to kill rats by just looking at them and thinking “perish”, killing them with a thought, or his mere presence in possessing another causing birds to die.


The Book of Bill is able to corrupt other books from both proximity and direct contact, with this even being reflected in the real world advertisements for the Book (thanks Alex). Bill himself is also stated to “corrupt dreams”.

Concept Manipulation:

Bill heavily implies that he created the 7 Deadly Sins, which are the concepts of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. In the AMA, he even refers to them as “his babies”. Bill also claims to have tasted concepts such as life (which he describe as disgusting, tasting like “cytocine and thymine”) as well as fear. Bill is also capable of sealing people’s souls within concepts. Arguably, considering that the Mindscape form of a person is the conceptual idea of their identity and existence as a person, erasing / obliterating that could qualify as a form of conceptual erasure, and manipulating them implies being able to manipulate concepts!

Possible Higher Dimensional Existence:

Bill, called his physical form a “multi-dimensional makeover”, and referred to himself as a “multi-dimensional specter of chaos that transcends reality”. He also deliberately insults humans for being “three dimensional” upon gaining his physical form, implying he’s of a higher state of being.

Fourth Wall Manipulation:

Bill has broken the fourth wall in a multitude of ways, from expressly mentioning other franchises, to breaking the fourth wall for the reader, to interacting with and speaking with the audience (see: The Entire Book of Bill). Time Baby even notes that they have to “PROTECT FOURTH WALLS” against him.

Plot Manipulation:

Bill is able to freely fuck with the medium he exists within, altering the opening of the very show during the three Weirdmaggeddon episodes, even making the credit change from the creator of Gravity Falls to “created by Bill Cipher”, being able to affect the medium of the book he’s in, even changing it to an entirely separate book in the Great Gatsby just in order to punish the reader, Weirdness Bubbles he creates can affect and change the medium of the animation within them, and on multiple occasions even transcends his medium to possess his own author/creator in Alex Hirsch. Time Baby also notes that Bill is capable of “warping narrativity”.



I’m gonna be up front, read this cosmology blog I made beforehand, a lot of Bill’s biggest feats are directly relevant to Gravity Falls Cosmology.



  • Responsible for the Euclidean Massacre (if you consider that an accomplishment)

  • Conquered and ruled the Nightmare Realm for over a trillion years

  • Evaded and fought against the Intergalactic Authority for billions of years

  • Singlehandedly dusted the Time Police and their forces multiple times

  • Was THE mastermind behind many of Earth’s biggest conspiracies and oddities across at least hundreds of years

  • Was the one who taught Plato his theories, which means we now have to discuss Mario is Missing in versus debating 

  • Was able to manipulate Ford mentally for years and even tricked him into creating the Portal, allowing for his eventual entering into reality

  • Rapidly dominated and ruled over Gravity Falls before his defeat

  • Is the most feared being in any reality across the multiverse

  • Succeeded in literally every other one of the infinite amount of other timelines, only losing in the one we saw in the show

  • Somehow was approved by Disney’s S&P 

  • Sold a  #1 New York Times Bestseller





Being one of the strongest and most feared entities within the Multiverse of Gravity Falls, he’d scale above the large majority of feats performed in the verse. There’s not a lot of other impressive feat performers in the series, but might as well be comprehensive.

The Pines Family:

Bill is obviously superior to Dipper and Mabel, Dipper is effortlessly tossed aside by Bill and he’s easily able to capture and even instantly kill them if desired, as well as effortlessly overpowering and capturing Stanley and Stanford, so naturally he’d massively upscale from anything they’ve done or used.


Bill’s loyal soldiers, the Henchmaniacs are all beastly terrors of their own right capable of mass destruction, and Bill is pretty blatantly superior to them, the leader of the group and feared by all of them.

Time Baby:

Bill blatantly scales to Time Baby because not only did he have an even fight with Time Baby in the past before achieving his full power, that he ultimately won, but he also literally one shot Time Baby and his entire army by the time he achieved full power, and gained his powers over time, putting him well beyond him.

Stanford Pines’ Tech:

None of Ford’s equipment was able to pose a threat to Bill until he found the paradoxical “NowUSeeItNowUDontium”, meaning all his previous inventions would have been completely ineffectual against him. Ford’s notable inventions would be:


Bill is generally superior to almost everyone else in the cast, so here’s a variety of feats performed by lower tier individuals and their technology.



Despite his immense cosmic power and wide variety of powers, Bill Cipher has a fair collection of weaknesses of varying degrees of severity. Starting off, Bill is notably much more vulnerable within a mind/within his spiritual state, much more capable of being damaged such as when entering McGucket’s damaged mind, or at risk of being erased such as Time Baby’s brain, which lacks object permanence. In his physical form, his eye is a bit tougher to regenerate than the rest of his body, though this is largely used for gags. He also cannot read the thoughts of someone with metal plates in their head, or placed on top of their head, such as tin foil blocking his ability to read thoughts. He has “odd” phobias of 3D Glasses, TV Static, and Venetian Blinds (if I had to guess, trauma due to destroying his home dimension). He also fucking hates synthesized music, to the point it can actively somewhat distract him in a fight

First, is his “weakness” to Unicorn Hair Barriers. It should be noticed that he isn’t weak to unicorn hair, in fact, he’s able to cut the hair off of a unicorn himself with no ill effects. No, what really matters here is just that unicorn hair is an integral ingredient in a greater spell that creates a barrier that’s very resistant to Bill. Not only is the barrier able to completely block out any of Bill’s telepathic mind shenanigans, it also completely keeps him out. While initially believed to be completely impenetrable to him during his fight with the Shacktron, the Book of Bill reveals that Bill was once trapped within a Unicorn Hair Barrier Orb for a period of time, and was eventually able to burn his way out with enough rage and time, meaning that these are less a weakness of Bill’s, and more a temporary countermeasure that can hold him off for a time.

Another is somewhat of an unknown, being the Zodiac Prophecy, being a ritual in which a collection of specific individuals come together in order to banish Bill. It's unknown on if this ritual would have worked or not, as it wasn’t able to be completed, but throughout the show it was heavily implied/believed to have worked, though in a battle scenario against Bill it's very unlikely that this could be used against him. Ford also believed that his Quantum Destabilizer, which was intended to interrupt Bill’s quantum immortality, and would have been able to kill Bill if he took a direct shot to the center of his body, by transforming him into a Weirdness Black Hole that would suck all of his strangeness back into the Nightmare Realm, though it's unknown if it would have been successful as his attempt failed.

It’s also been documented by Bill himself, that there’s one thing even he can’t stop, that being entropy. The Nightmare Realm is slowly destabilizing and experiencing a form of slow entropy due to its unstable nature, and if Bill was caught by the edge of reality that it presents, he outright says that it would have erased him completely and totally, as if he had never existed, meaning that it's very likely that if one could emulate the effects of entropy on a similar scale to the one affecting the Nightmare Realm, Bill could be completely and utterly erased.

Speaking of erasure, we have to speak about how he was canonically defeated, being sealed within a mind that was being erased. Unable to escape, as his powers were largely nullified by the process, Bill was severely damaged by this, his soul/mind being “shattered, broken, but not dead” by the experience, leaving him having to plead his case to the Axolotl to help bring him back. It also gave one of the coolest villain deaths in fiction.

Bill’s biggest weakness however, would be his massive ego, massive underestimation of anything that isn’t a cosmic threat comparable to himself… as well as his complete inability to care about or understand the concept of love and bonds. Bill has made it rather clear that he literally doesn’t care about the concept of love, and can think of so many things he’d rather be doing or caring about over it (all of them being self absorbed), which innately leads to overlooking and getting overzealous at the concept of someone doing something selfless out of love, such as a self sacrifice akin to what Stan did. His inability to understand or care or have bonds in any meaningful way lead to his undoing, as corny as it sounds. A combination of his massive ego, underestimation of humans, and inability to understand love or bonds were ultimately what lead to his defeat, and his greatest weaknesses, one that, if his infinite karmic punishment Book of Bill showcases anything about, is one that he’ll never resolve.

Also he can’t escape montages.

Minor QnA:

For answering any questions that may not be answered by anything in the section above, and answers to common questions / arguments made in relation to Bill.

Can anything Bill says be trusted? Isn’t he always lying?:

Not necessarily, this is kind of a massive extrapolation on Bill’s occasional dishonesty and his nature as a “devil’s deal” type character being massively overblown to try and discount a lot of statements in regards to him.

To start off, Bill generally doesn’t lie in his deals. The other side WILL get what they were offered / said to receive in the deals. Bill just lies by omission, often leaving out a key detail in his deal to give him an advantage. Most notably, his dealings with Ford, where he did fulfill every end of his bargain with Ford in helping him with his mental faculties and finish his notes and research in his sleep… just at the cost of him being able to enter his mind freely and take control of his body as soon as he went to sleep. His deal with Blendin, he said he’d make sure he wouldn’t have to worry about Time Baby again… and Bill ended up killing Time Baby in order to gain his powers not long after. Even Dipper’s deal, which at a glance would seem like a pretty raw deal that Bill lied about, shattering the PC resulted in Dipper and Mabel being able to find out McGucket was the one who created it, which was the exact clue they needed… which was one piece of many that lead to Weirdmageddon occurring. When he makes a deal with Mabel to make sure summer is extended and keeps going, he keeps true to his word, and in exchange for opening the Rift, creates a pocket dimension for Mabel which contains her ideal reality with an endless summer.

My friend greymerlion2 made a funny analogy for Bill’s lies, that being: “He doesn’t lie like you would tell your teacher you did your homework. He lies like your dad saying he’ll take you to McDonalds and then just ordering himself a coffee.” Functionally, he tells the truth, Bill very very rarely tells flat out bullshit, he just omits key information that tilts things in his favor.

Another factor would be that, when Bill does lie, he’s typically blatantly obvious about it, lying through a joke or some other silly method. Notable examples would be when he’s downplaying Ford’s account of how bad Bill was to him, to which Bill lies and says that Ford was being overdramatic, and that Bill was only joking and wasn’t going to actually steal his eyes. Ultimately trying to downplay his actions in order to make himself not seem as dangerous to work with to the reader, who he’s trying to make a deal with. Other examples of him lying would be more so misleading to gain an advantage. Such as him lying to Ford about the nature of Gravity Falls’ Weirdness, advertising all it's weirdness as coming from a Weirdness Dimension… not entirely incorrect, just masquerading the fact that said Weirdness Dimension is his realm, the Nightmare Realm, and that opening a portal to it will let him into it!

The biggest point in regards to this, is the fact that it's essentially just used to try and invalidate anything Bill says in the Book of Bill, in that the entire book is unusable and unreliable because of Bill’s nature. At that point, genuinely stop and think. What is the point of releasing a book meant to show lore information about a character’s past and more information about the world, to a notoriously lore and mystery ravenous fandom… if it was all going to be lies and made up bullshit? Does a single bit of that make sense? No, it doesn’t. The Book of Bill being all lies and completely unusable is just a really, really silly concept. Alex Hirsch himself has even made statements that most of what’s said in the Book of Bill IS true, just that there are lies placed between, and it's up to the reader to “suss out” what's true and what's false. He specifically likens Bill to cult leaders, who lie by omission or leave little truths within their lies that ultimately out themselves because they’re too narcissistic to realize.

Ultimately, Bill isn’t lying constantly, it wouldn’t make sense for him to, and it's disingenuous to argue that things like the AMA or Book of Bill or his statements about his powers/abilities are unusable just on that basis.

Bill lost to the Pines, he clearly couldn’t see infinite possibilities, he would have seen it coming!:

This is a very old and frequent argument against Bill having infinite perception or his probability seeing feat, but I feel Book of Bill refutes it especially.

The Pines have lost to Bill and died horrifically in literally an infinite amount of other timelines. In timelines where they’ve encountered Bill, they exist in the SINGLE timeline where they actually succeeded and survived. Bill’s ability to see infinite probabilities didn’t fail him, he was LITERALLY seeing infinite probabilities / infinite futures where the Pines lost. It should also be noted that Bill himself has mentioned he can’t literally see the future… technically. He CAN see the future, but only in that moment, as the future is constantly changing “every time two particles bonk into one another”, meaning that his infinite perception more so just enables him to make really accurate estimations of the future, not 100% perfect infallible predictions (though Ford notes his predictions are eerily accurate). Add his massive ego, underestimation of humans, and lack of understanding of love and bonds on top of that, and it leads to the uber specific and lucky situation that Stan and Ford were able to create that lead to Bill’s downfall. Believe it or not, it's not really anything contradictory here, and if anything, fits very well within the themes of Gravity Falls and the narrative it set up.

Conceptual Manipulation for Bill?:

During the last few days of development on this blog, the thisisnotawebsite website finally launched, and lots of new information came out. Most of it was rather easy to pour over and cover, but there’s one thing that left me a lot to ruminate over, and that would be Bill’s elaboration on what the Mindscape is. As spoken about in my cosmology document, the Mindscape is an ideaspace, where a person’s identity, the very representation and embodiment of the stories regarding their lives can propagate and exist forever. 

This would have some pretty wild knockdown effects / meanings for anything involving spirits, or rather Mindscape-selves in Gravity Falls. This would mean that a person’s Mindscape self is possibly the combination of their soul, mind, and their very identity, the idea they represent and the cumulation of their stories. This description of ideas and identities is extremely analogous to that of concepts, which has some very interesting implications that potentially opens avenues for Bill’s conceptual manipulation possibly being far more expansive than initially believed.

So what’s notable here is that Bill can not only completely damage and completely annihilate these spirits, but he’s also shown to be capable of manipulating them, such as when he warped Mabel’s appearance and way of speech. Ultimately, with all the information netted by the website, it's very possible that any of Bill’s feats revolving around affecting Mindscape selves means he can damage, manipulate, affect and even erase conceptual entities??? This isn’t completely unprecedented, as Bill is heavily implied to be the creator of the seven deadly sins, and has mentioned consuming/tasting many abstract concepts of emotions in the past. 

Ultimately, I felt this deserved it's own little mini QnA section considering the wild implications, and because going back and editing it into every little section I’ve already written would be a pain. 

Where does Bill scale within the cosmology?:

This used to be a simple question of “all of it”, until the Book of Bill came out, which actually further cements/solidifies Bill’s place in the GF cosmology, as well as his limitations. More was added to the cosmology in terms of known locations and size, so it deserves some specification now. Read my cosmology blog here to have a full understanding:

Bill would reasonably scale to everything in the cosmology up to the Nightmare Realm. The Multiverse and all it's spatial dimensions, the Fourth Dimension, In-Between Space, Smile Dip Realm, and Nightmare Realm should all reasonably be affected by either Bill smashing the multiverse, or from the explosion caused by the Rift eradicating all of existence, reasonably everything up to the Nightmare Realm would be affected. If Bill’s Rift would have affected all timelines is up for debate, as the portal not detonating in at least one of infinite timelines would be pretty suspicious, but considering Bill can SEE into every timeline, it does lead to an implication that the Rift never detonated in most of the timelines Bill won in. Likely, Bill can see other timelines, but can’t physically interact with alternate timelines at the moment, seemingly bound to his timeline.

If you believe in R>F for the Multiverse's Card / Card Carrier he would also obviously scale above the cosmology for Outer. Bill notably, however, cannot scale to Dennis nor the realm he occupies, as Bill generally makes it clear that Dennis is unfathomable and beyond even him, and that Dennis could likely wipe Bill and his entire multiverse out of existence by complete accident. Bill just simply isn’t on his level.

So essentially:

Multiverse / Mindscape < Fourth Dimension < Nightmare Realm < Card Carrier < Bill < Dennis.

Fun Facts:


Here’s some fun little facts about everyone’s favorite acute annihilator that I couldn’t fit anywhere but still wanted to mention. 



Overall Bill Cipher is an extremely dangerous and potent combatant. As a tl;dr:

  • Solidly Infinite 8D/9D in AP and durability

    • Debatably Outerversal via R>F Transcendence

  • Immeasurable speed

  • Extremely wide and versatile haxx list with damn near every ability you can imagine

  • Physical and spiritual regeneration as well as conceptual immortality through being an idea makes him extremely difficult to kill

  • Solid set of resistances & his own abilities allowing him to counter a wide variety of haxx

  • Absurd level of intellect allowing him to rival and surpass complete super-geniuses, as well as manipulate and make a fool of history’s greatest minds for billions of years

  • Has lived for well over a trillion years, and spent all that time being a ruthless conqueror

  • Has some damning weaknesses that while rather specific, could be debilitating if exploited

All in all Bill is just that guy. 


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