Kasen Ibaraki Media Guide


Kasen Ibaraki (Touhou Project):

(Edit made by Twice!)


I’mma be 100% legit, when it comes to a franchise like Touhou basically EVERYTHING is relevant and helpful to be known, considering how small details mentioned in one guidebook can end up suddenly showing up in a main series game with an instrumental role, or something about a character otherwise unexplained could be suddenly given an explanation in a light novel, Touhou is a franchise that’s vast and everspanning and is hard to have a full handle on without researching much of it.

HOWEVER: I will still do my best to create something comprehensive with the most immediately important details. I'll break down Kasen’s direct appearances, and then include many things that are important for direct scaling, cosmology info, haxx, physiology, etc…

For the ease of the unfamiliar, I’ll be adding the assigned game number to each entry in parenthesis next to their full names, it’ll help with speaking of the games in shorthand and looking into them. For example, Touhou 6 is known as Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

Also, you can access the scripts and translations of basically every game, light novel, guidebook etc on the Touhou Wiki. It's a very solid resource for the franchise as a whole in terms of accessing the original material. Don’t just look over wiki profiles though, as they’re not 100% super accurate on all fronts.

Direct Appearances:


Touhou Shinpiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo (14.5)

  • + the Reisen Story Exclusive to PS4 version

Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers (15.5)

Touhou Kikeijuu ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature (17) [just barely]


Touhou Ibarakasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit:

  • Chapters 1-50

  • Epilogue: Forgetting the Autumn Leaves After the Cherry Blossoms Fall

  • Bonus Comics 1-9

Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Oriental Sacred Place:

  • Chapter 16

Guidebooks / Light Novels / Magazines:

Perfect Memento of Strict Sense

  • Dragon: Page 96 - 97

  • Monologue: Page 151 - 155

Symposium of Post Mysticism:

  • Page 179

Strange Creators of Outer World: Who’s Who of Humans & Youkai - Everlasting Edition:

  • Page 50-51

  • Page 74

Curiosities of Lotus Asia:

  • Chapter 29 - “An Expert on the Occult”

  • Chapter 33 - “There Are Three Sumireko Usami!”

Important Info:

Now that her direct appearances are mentioned, from here on out things listed will be for more general purposes, such as media with more direct important feats/scaling, cosmology info, basic lore info, and physiology stuff.

Guidebooks / Magazines:

Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

Strange Creators of Outer World

  • Who’s Who of Humans & Youkai

  • Gensokyo Geography

  • ZUN Interviews

    • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature Interview  

Symposium of Post-Mysticism

Grimoire of Marisa

Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red


Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square (5)

Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (6)

Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power (7.5)

Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night (8)

Touhou Hisouten ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (10.5)

Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object (12)

Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (15)

Hifuu Nightmare Diary ~ Violet Detector (16.5)

Touhou Goukyou Ibun ~ Sunken Fossil World (17.5)

Music CDs:

In any other franchise recommending music CDs for research would sound insane, Touhou is different. Attached to the Hifuu Music CDs are stories featuring the characters Renko and Maribel, who live in the Outside World of Touhou far into the future from the main series we know. These CDs tend to serve as ways to espouse a lot of worldbuilding and cosmology info so they’re generally all very important to read, however I’ve bolded the ones with most important info.

Ghostly Field Club

Changeability of Strange Dream

Retrospective 53 Minutes

Magical Astronomy

Unknown Flower, Mesmerizing Journey

Trojan Green Asteroid

Neo-traditionalism of Japan

Dr. Latency's Freak Report

Dateless Bar "Old Adam"

Rainbow-Colored Septentrion


Lotus Eaters

Forbidden Scrollery

Light Novels:

Curiosities of Lotus Asia (whole thing tbh)

  • Chapter 27 - “The Mechanics of Fortune” (most notable passage)


ZUN’s QnA emails
ZUN’s 26 trillion different fucking interviews

Do you know how often ZUN gets drunk on air then just says shit?

You too should pull a Kasen and tame a goat


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